What to Expect on Your First Visit to Bethel
We know it can be a little intimidating going to a new place for the first time, but FEAR NOT. You will find a kind and welcoming church family of followers of Christ happy to see you.
When you arrive at Bethel Presbyterian Church, the first thing you will notice is the beautiful, historic white church and vast grounds.
The congregation of Bethel was organized in 1812, so you will be one of many to worship with this long-line of Christians.
As you enter the sanctuary (the large building with columns), you will be greeted by an usher and given an bulletin to follow the morning program and order of worship. The usher will lead you into the nave (main part of the building) and you may choose where you would like to sit.
You will experience a Christian Worship Service rooted in Bible-based teachings. We integrate newer songs of praise and old favorite hymns during our hour-long service.
11:00 am Sunday Morning Worship is held in the Sanctuary.
The 1st Sunday of each month (except December & January), our "casual" Morning Worship service, is held in the Fellowship Hall. Morning refreshments, coffee and juice are served on 1st Sunday from 10:30 am to 11:00 am.