Evangelism - sharing the Word of God with others -- isn't an exclusive job of the "Evangelists."                                                  

As part of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19), evangelism is a calling on all Christians.

However, it's more than a commandment. Evangelism is an honor, a joy, and a pleasure! It is also   

important to show God's love; our actions shout louder than our voices.


We are living examples of the grace of God, and our attitude towards others should impact their lives. 


Eastern Guilford High Football Pregame Meal
Once again our church will feed the Eastern Wildcats football team in the fall. 
It is an event both the school and church looks forward to having.  
The date will be finalized as the football season approaches.  
These young men appreciate the community support.  Coach Robertson 
stated the players always ask when the meal will take place.  It is our hope
to model the love and support God gives to us.
Go Wildcats!

Chili & Concert
Watch for the date in 2024 (TBA), for the Chili & Concert to be held
in our Fellowship Hall.  Chili will be served starting at 5:30 PM 
until chili is gone. Please feel free to bring family and friends!   
We hope to see you there!   Entertainment to be announced, too.