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Bethel Cemetery
Our History



Bethel Presbyterian Church

300 Knox Road

McLeansville, NC USA

Pursuing the heart of the King of Heaven 

into the adventures that He sends us,

for the purposes to which He calls us,
  relying on the Spirit He puts within us.


We are a vibrant, 200+ year-old congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA), located between Greensboro and Burlington in the Piedmont of North Carolina. As we celebrate over two centuries of God’s faithful work among and through us, we are eagerly striding forward into new opportunities to proclaim and demonstrate the Good News about Jesus.

Bethel is small enough for each person to be known and loved. We are following a Lord who is great enough to do abundantly more than we can even dream. Joyfully, we seek to be His salt and light in this community and beyond. We hope you will join us in the journey!

If you have no church home or church family, we invite you to visit with us at Bethel. We have Sunday School classes for all ages - children and adults. Sunday School begins at 9:45am and ends around 10:30am. We have a few moments to greet and visit while we prepare for Worship at 11:00.

The first Sunday of most months features refreshments and worship in different formats in Fellowship Hall instead of the historic Sanctuary.

                                                              All are Welcome!



                        Sunday,  Feb   2 - 11am     Rev. Paul Ridolfi, Fellowship Hall 

                        Sunday,  Feb   9 - 11am     Rev. Paul Ridolfi,  Sanctuary

                        Sunday,  Feb  16 -11am     Rev. Debra Swing,  Sanctuary

                        Sunday,  Feb  23 - 11am    Rev. Gene Dean,  Sanctuary